Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our unusual love story... PART 1

This is a story of how two people who’re perfect for each other met in the most unlikely circumstances…

Justin, browsing thru the members page of some group that he’s reluctantly joined because of his fixation for signing up for anything, finds a very interesting person out of the blue, and how he picked her out of the hundreds that have posted beforehand, we will never know. He sees her messenger ID, and adds her up, with a matching introduction, considering that Justin was the resident rebel for that group. A couple of minutes later, she confirms his invitation and they got to talking.

Rhea, on the other hand, was preparing for her schoolwork and next lessons when this sudden invitation came out of nowhere. Out of curiosity, she confirms the invitation and begins the sudden inquiry. He wittingly replies that he got her ID from the blog post that she’s made, and it was sheer luck on his side that it was the right ID that she was currently using. Lucky bastard, she thought to herself.

To avoid the painstaking details of what they talked about, basically they found out that they have the same interests, same differences, same hobbies, train of thoughts, and surprisingly, relationship history. They’re twins; only blood couldn’t have brought them any closer or similar than they are. Both have felt a sudden connection on their first time talking online, but here comes the twist of the entire story: at this time of telling, Justin has a girlfriend and Rhea was interested in someone else from a far away place.

But somehow, that factor never diminished their current state of relationship to one another: as twins.

Everyday, Justin would make it a point to talk to his twin. With the intent of setting up his twin with a close colleague, Justin brought up to Rhea on her sentiments about being set up. Fortunately, Rhea agreed to Justin’s plan and soon after, Rhea and Justin’s officemate were already chatting.

One day, Rhea told her twin that they were going to be seeing each other on a Friday and invites his twin to come along. It seems that Rhea wasn’t that fond of going out on blind dates, and hoping to redeem her, Justin agrees to come along

The day came and Justin and his officemate were waiting for Rhea in a coffee shop outside their local mall. Not long after, Rhea came. For hours they talked and talked about pretty much anything, until time came for Rhea to leave them.

Little did the two would be couple know that the two of them were feeling attached and attracted to each other from that point on...

To be continued...


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